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Hi! I'm Sara.

The journey to today.

Once upon a time I was a film student. Editing was my game, and I wasn’t half bad – probably a mean second to my coffee making skills, which I procured interning at a variety of post houses in Chicago.

In a rather unprecedented switch-a-roo, I decided instead of heading to Hollywood after graduation, to make my way to southern Illinois. I spent seven years living in community at the confluence of the Mississippi and Ohio Rivers. Our team of missionaries lived, served, and loved on a community that probably did more for me than I ever did for it – I was schooled in starting a non-profit, the realities of God, and the beauty of family. Cairo, Illinois was a priceless gift, opening my eyes and heart to some of the harshness of life, and the extravagant goodness of God in the midst of it.

Having spent a good deal of time investing in the kids of Cairo, I journeyed to Redding, CA to go back to school to become a teacher. 

I completed a Masters in Education and taught for four years. I loved spending my days adventuring through life with action-packed third and fourth graders, and would on occasion share stories with them that I had written in the wee hours of the morning.I blame it on the kids, and by blame I mean thank, for injecting my life with childlike wonder and life decisions based on ridiculous what ifs. They were really the chorus of small, but loud voices who encouraged me to take my silly writing hobby seriously – to take a risk – and pursue a dream. Note to self: careful what you teach kids, they may ask you to demonstrate.

And so I took “the great leap”, quitting my job to find a rhythm of life that would provide time and energy to tell the stories that brewed within.

So here I am in free fall.

Who knows how this story will end, but I have discovered at least one invaluable truth about myself on the journey.

I was willing to take a leap.

 Sara (Rust) Reyes lives in Texas with the love of her life, Michael. She loves practicing her wannabe homesteading skills while dreaming of land and writing stories with Papa.

Life-giving stories and resources

for abundant living

  • Living from Rest

    Abundant life grows in living from rest. Rest is a promise. There is a way to live in peace and rest, despite the rush and chaos of the world. There is a way to walk  away from performance and religion and simply abide in friendship with Jesus. My stories often explore what it means to live from this rest of God. 

  • Walking in Freedom

    Abundant life comes from walking in freedom. We were made for freedom, it’s not a mistake every human being craves it.  When you know who you are and Who dreamt you up, it changes everything. Truth will set you free. My stories often explore what it means to walk in freedom, celebrating your true identity, and wildly loving and transforming the world around you because you know you are loved by a good God.

  • Connected to Jesus

    Abundant life comes from friendship with Jesus. He is the very source and expression of abundant life. Without Him, there will always be something missing.  My stories are seeded with Kingdom truths and themes. I love to weave the gospel into stories in unique, sometimes unassuming ways. My stories are intended to invite each reader or observer to taste and see that He is good and to go on their own journey of friendship with the Creator. 

Porch & Story books and resources are both a celebration and exploration of abundant life. This life is a promise and a gift to you – and it came at great cost from One who finds you irresistibly lovable. 

Abundant life is found in the beauty of the gospel – the great invitation to us all to live from restwalk in freedom, and live in communion with Jesus.  The hope is that through the humor, the wonder, the whimsy, the tear jerks, and teaching – every story would lead to deep breaths and life-giving encounters. 

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